Medsonix Therapy is a low-frequency acoustic modality that is non-invasive, painless, drug-free and completely harmless. Clients simply sit around the therapy console and listen to soothing music while 600 hz. sound waves permeate their entire body for 30 minutes.

Symptoms attributed to all forms of arthritis, back pain, migraines, bursitis, fibromyalgia, circulatory disorders, diabetic neuropathy and more have been relieved, if not completely alleviated, following Medsonix Therapy sessions. There are also documented cases of Medsonix helping sufferers of Multiple Sclerosis, Lyme disease, Parkinson's and Alzheimers.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Part 2

From Rita to Bob Ramos

It was great to talk to you too. I have so much I want to tell you and to tell others who are suffering needlessly. If God had not led you to respond to Kayla's letter, I would not be having this miracle in my life.

God spoke and you answered. I have a seven year story of suffering and pain and I want to shout to the world that there is hope out there for the thousands that are suffering and have no quality of life.

After my treatment today, I went to the pool and got some needed exercise for my legs, no muscle mass left after 7 years. I have given your card to so many people who hear my story and their mouths drop open.

Thank you so much and we will stay in touch. Deep down, I am scared to go home. But I will be back in June and will see you then. God Bless.

Post from Rita on Facebook

Greetings from Naples, FL. Just wanted all my friends and family to know that today I felt like a normal person. Got up with energy to get dressed, went for my treatment and then went to the beach. I walked in the sand! That was huge for me ... and my legs did not give out. No pain today and energy to spare. Praise God.

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