Medsonix Therapy is a low-frequency acoustic modality that is non-invasive, painless, drug-free and completely harmless. Clients simply sit around the therapy console and listen to soothing music while 600 hz. sound waves permeate their entire body for 30 minutes.

Symptoms attributed to all forms of arthritis, back pain, migraines, bursitis, fibromyalgia, circulatory disorders, diabetic neuropathy and more have been relieved, if not completely alleviated, following Medsonix Therapy sessions. There are also documented cases of Medsonix helping sufferers of Multiple Sclerosis, Lyme disease, Parkinson's and Alzheimers.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Part 3

April 13, 2010
From Rita to Bob Ramos
Subject: You have been a blessing in my Life

Dear Bob,

I don't know how to thank someone who has changed my life. How do you go about doing that in such a way that it's more than words and speaks only from the heart.

These treatments have given me new life, given me hope for my future and made me so anxious to share the good news with so many, some that I don't even know personally.

Medsonix has been videotaping me before and after lots of sessions, but today Dr. Gordon got to hear my story, the short version, from beginning to end. And when I was done, he was wiping tears away. He and Linda are wonderful people, going thru their own suffering right now.

I don't think a well-person can understand the change that Medsonix can make in your life. It's like losing a loved one. If you've never lost a child, you just can't understand that kind of loss unless you have lost a child yourself. It's the same with an illness.

Unless you have gone thru the pain and suffering of Lyme, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia ... the memory loss, the feeling of hopelessness, confusion, the financial burden and no doctor that really wants to hear or understand what you have to say, you can't possibly appreciate what a day without pain can do for you.

I have spent years in bed and I plan to start physical therapy when I get home to try and build back some muscle in my legs. Before, I couldn't even think about therapy because I didn't have the energy to get there.

Thank you for obeying God. Thank you for listening to my story and for leading me to this place. I know rewards and blessings await you.

From the bottom of my heart,
Rita Farmer

P.S. I went fishing today and caught five fish. Now that is normal living!

April 15, 2010
From Dr. Gary Gordon to Susan Schanerman


Yesterday I taped Rita after her last session. After 9 days of Medsonix, she has her life back. I cannot begin to explain what she said ... we have to get it on the website. After 2 sessions, she was totally different ... her energy was back, she had way less pain and she could actually stand and cook dinner for her family for the first time in years.

She did experience a Herx between her 3rd and 4th sessions, I believe. And yes, I do believe from what we have experienced that we are killing spirochetes. She was able to walk the beach, go shopping for 3 hours at a mall and drove herself to her last appointment alone, just to prove to herself she could (she had not driven in 3 years.)

We will see how effects last now. There will probably be some return of symptoms but I strongly believe they will not return to anywhere near where she was before, which was bedridden for a long time. We just have to get her videotaping up on the site. It's very powerful.

Dr. Gary Gordon

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