Medsonix Therapy is a low-frequency acoustic modality that is non-invasive, painless, drug-free and completely harmless. Clients simply sit around the therapy console and listen to soothing music while 600 hz. sound waves permeate their entire body for 30 minutes.

Symptoms attributed to all forms of arthritis, back pain, migraines, bursitis, fibromyalgia, circulatory disorders, diabetic neuropathy and more have been relieved, if not completely alleviated, following Medsonix Therapy sessions. There are also documented cases of Medsonix helping sufferers of Multiple Sclerosis, Lyme disease, Parkinson's and Alzheimers.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Medsonix Hits the Small Screen

Medsonix was just featured on Fox 4's Morning Blend in Naples, FL. You really must check it out!!!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The Power of Sound

Here's an incredible visual example of how sound influences matter. Take a look!